sheep in silhouette
Little Brook Farm

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We have been awfully busy with lambing and kidding season. I am happy to report that both are done and we had a very successful year. I have not had the time to update photos, but plan to over the week of school vacation coming up. We have 17 beautiful black and white lambs, and 6 gorgeous Nigerian dwarf dairy goat kids. Our Nigerian buck, Little Man has outdone himself again. He is also the proud papa of 2 more sets of healthy triplets from does brought in for breeding.

We are gearing up as well for 2 other events to take place at Little Brook Farm.

On Saturday, May 9th, we will be holding a workshop here on “Getting started with Goats”. This will be a combination of hands on experience learning some of the management skills needed to successfully raise goats for production or pets, as well as some lecture. We will cover such topics as selecting your goats, bringing them home, equipment, nutrition, heath care, breeding and kidding. Participants will have the opportunity to handle and learn on the goats here on the farm.

Once again we will run our summer educational program in the form of Little Brook Farm Camp. We offer 2 weeks, July 6th and 13th with a possibility of adding a third week. Children from ages 6 -13 may participate. The day starts at 9 AM with campers helping with the morning chores. They will have the opportunity to interact with horses, donkeys, llamas, cows, sheep, goats, ducks and the border collies. Kids will learn about what sustainable agriculture means and how it fits in to our communities and our lives. We may visit some other area farms and have the occasional swim day when it gets hot. The camp day ends at 3 PM. The cost of the camp is $200/week. Space is very limited, so sign up early to reserve your spot. I hope to have registration forms available on this site soon. Currently I can email them to you to be filled out and returned. Your child will need a physical exam form and proof of immunization to attend. I am a DOE certified educator an a Registered Nurse as well. Please contact me with any questions.

Check back soon for photos!