sheep in silhouette
2nd twins
Little Brook Farm

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The first lambs out of my 2 new Texel ewes were born on January 22nd and February 3rd. All 3 are little girls and doing well. It’s been a tough start though. One of the ewes lambed with scar tissue in the teat canal and although she WANTS to mother them, they have had to be bottle fed. Another ewe slipped on the ice covered snow and flipped over and ended up cast. Sometimes ewes get stuck upside down when they are at the end of their pregnancy. Without intervention they would die. I flipped her back over and although she has not yet been able to get up on her feet by herself, she is holding her own with a little TLC. Keeping my fingers crossed for her. I hope to have some photos up soon.

I will be holding a hands on workshop sometime this spring on GETTING STARTED WITH GOATS. Check back for more information, or email us with your interest.

Little Brook Farm will once again be having a 2 week SUMMER CAMP, the first 2 full weeks of July. More information to follow.